Just Stand Paddleboards and Surf
Establishment at 386 Causeway Road, Head of Chezzetcook, NS B0J 1N0, Canada. Please contact Just Stand Paddleboards and Surf using information below: address, phone, fax, email, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.
386 Causeway Road
Head of Chezzetcook
Nova Scotia B0J 1N0
Get directions
+1 902-827-3026
Opening hours
Sunday | 11:00am — 05:00pm |
Tuesday | 10:00am — 06:00pm |
Wednesday | 10:00am — 06:00pm |
Thursday | 10:00am — 06:00pm |
Friday | 10:00am — 06:00pm |
Saturday | 10:00am — 06:00pm |
5 /5
Based on 1 reviews
Reviews of Just Stand Paddleboards and Surf
- Just Stand Paddleboards and Surf Added 2018-02-24★ ★ ★ ★ ★Best selection of boards in the metro area.
About juststandpaddleboardsandsurf.com
Surf Shop, Lawrencetown, Halifax, HRM, Nova Scotia, Canada
Surf shop located just outside of Halifax HRM in Nova Scotia. Surfboards, paddleboards SUP, wetsuits, surf gear and more.
Just Stand, Surfboards, Paddleboards, surf, SUP, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Lawrencetown, Surf Shop, Seaforth, surfing, wetsuits, fins, longboard, Canada, Eastern Shore, NS, Atlantic, Atlantic Surf, Cold Surf, Winter Surf, Larry Mabile, Pat Rawson, Jim Phillips, Bill Minard, Sharp Eye, West Wetsuit
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Today's weather in Head of Chezzetcook
22:00 3 ℃ 1016 hPa 93 % 5 m/s